Graduate School of Education
[Original site] http://www.edu.gunma-u.ac.jp/jp/postgraduate-school.html
The Graduate School of Education at Gunma University offers two programs:
1) Master of Education
2) Master of Professional Development for Education
Each program aims to produce teachers with more highly advanced professional skills.
The Master of Education program consists of education courses related to primary and secondary school subjects and courses on education for children with special needs. This program aims to produce more specialized experts of school education. We train our graduate students to be knowledgeable and skillful in their specific field, to practice good teaching by adjusting to real classroom situations, and to take on positions of greater responsibility and leadership within their schools.
In the Master of Professional Development for Education program, we offer advanced training for serving teachers with years of experience and for people who have entered directly from their undergraduate studies. This program aims to produce skillful teachers and leaders that can develop and support educational systems that will meet the demands of both individual schools and Japanese society at large. A significant part of our philosophy is that teachers should be able to identify, analyze, and solve problems within schools.