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Information on International Students
Number of Students by Country (As of May 1, 2016)
- From Asia
China 77, Malaysia 45, Indonesia 21, Vietnam 18, Mongolia 18, Thailand 9, Taiwan 6, Nepal 5, Sri Lanka 4, Korea 3, Laos 3, Philippine 2, Cambodia 2, India 1 - From Europe
Hungary 2, Belarus 1, Italy 1, Poland 1, Slovenia 1 - From North America
U.S.A. 3 - From Central and South America
Costa Rica 1 - From Middle East
Iran 1
International Students’ Everyday Life
Weekly Schedules of Some International Students
- A Schedule of a Faculty of Education Student
- A Schedule of a Graduate School of Education Student
- A Schedule of a Graduate School of Medicine Student
International Students’ Reports
Below are reports by international students leading their student life at Gunma University. These reports may serve as a useful reference for anyone who may be considering to study at Gunma University.
- [Taiwan] YEH LI CHUN
(Graduate School of Social and Information Studies and Information Studies) - [Mongolia] OROSOO SOLONGO
(Graduate School of Medicine, Pediatrics) - [Malaysia] MOHD ZAID BIN AKOP
(Graduate School of Engineering, Course of Production Science and Technology) - [Nepal] PARAJULI RAJ KUMAR
(Graduate School of Engineering, Course of Production Science and Technology) - [Cambodia] THAN TITHRITHY
(Graduate School of Engineering, Course of Computer Science) - [China] GUO PIN
(Graduate School of Engineering, Course of Mechanical System Engineering) - [Korea] KIM SANG WOO
(Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical System Engineering)
Advice from International Students
Advice from International Students about Gunma University’s Student Life