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Student Life

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The Center for International Students has begun to organize networking for mutual communication between current international students and international student graduates. For your reference, below are each country's alumni association, their E-mail addresses, and their activities.

GU Engineering Society Taiwan Branch

髯滓汚・ス・オ驍オ・イ・つ€髯滂ス「鬩、・エ繝サ・オ繝サ・ャ Director of the Taiwan Branch
Professor, Department of Textile Engineering, Chinese Culture University

Alumni Association for International StudentsThe Annual Pary of the Taiwan Branch of GU Engineering Society was held on March 28, 2008. Dr.髯滓汚・ス・オ髯滂ス「鬩、・エ繝サ・オ繝サ・ャ was designated as the new branch chairperson.